Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Being Gay Is Not A Choice

I have been struggling with fundamentalist/conservative Christian belief about homosexuality, attempting to overlook their ignorance, and I cannot accept my feeliings for another man (a consenting adult I might add) is a sin. I guess my potential self-loathing struck me when I looked at the membership packet for the particular church I have been going to and saw that if I did not adhere to their position paper on homosexuality, I could technically be disciplined in front of the voting membership. The adherence is being a repentant homosexual asking for Jesus to change me and being celibate. I had to ask myself, "What am I doing with this packet in my hand? Do I really despise myself this much?" I wish more breeders would have stayed celibate, but I digress. Being gay is not a choice; There are not any valid reasons for me to believe that it is. Why would I choose to be ridiculed and told I am going to Hell if do not repent and turn away from love and intimacy from another human being. The comparison of my seuxality to alcoholism, pedophilia, and incest never ceases to amaze me! Nor does their illogical theory if rights are given to gays, then the pedophiles will be next. Naturally, they believe, society will go from acceptance of consensual relationships between two ADULTS to acceptance of raping innocent, non-consensual children. I cannot reconcile what I know to be truth with the ignorance that prevails from the faulty interpretation of verses in the Bible. On the one hand, fundamentalist views include allowing the Holy Spirit to guide in the teaching so that we can discern truth, but wait silly bear, you must follow our position paper on what we believe. Who is we, exactly? Did they even talk to any gay folk or did they continue to shroud themselves in their insular world so they did not have to hear any contradictions? I do know that one of the contributors of the position paper on homsexuality was an "ex-gay" who was and is still having sexual relations with men! Now, whom he has sex with is his business, but when he starts spreading his lies, that affects me and it becomes my business. These ex-gay ministries is a topic unto itself that I may investigate further. If the Christians who hold to these beliefs do not want to live in a world where education and understanding informs, then I believe they should stay away from modern medicine and exit this earth. Am I angry? Yes, for allowing myself to be exposed once again to bigotry in the name of Christ. Am I amazed at how otherwise intelligent people go blind when it comes to their Bible interpretation to oppress others, which it has a history of doing (slavery, anyone?). You betcha. Just because the interpretation or understanding is in error, does not necessarily mean the ancient writers of the Bible were wrong about life. Some of our modern translations falsely use the word homosexual; However, this word or any similar word did not exist in Biblical times. There are not any words used in the Bible that are comparable. The folks in Biblical times did not label people as homosexual or heterosexual; they did not have that concept. The Hebrew and Greek languages show that regarding "homosexuality", the Bible condemns sex with boys, male prostitution, rape, and those in power taking advantage of, you guessed it, OPPRESSED people. I do not like the words fundamental Christian or conservative Christian. There is nothing inherently wrong with being conservative or fundamental. Perhaps the best way to sum it up is Blindsighted Christians.